Monday 21 March 2016

International Greetings

Last Friday Room 22 and 23 had their assembly. The first part of the assembly was greeting the school and parents in the languages and cultures represented across the two classrooms. Watch below and hear all the different greetings.

Sunday 20 March 2016

Monday Week 8

Hayley and Eva put together this video of Room 23's learning in Music and Mandarin. You can see what we have been learning so far at school. Enjoy the video! Below is the slideshow we used for our assembly item with Room 22. Our theme was cooperation and relating to others.

Making Pizzas at Garden to Table

Watch our latest Garden to Table session. One half of the class went to water the gardensand the other half were busy making pizza! Thanks to all our wonderful volunteers who were able to come and assist us last Thursday. Special thanks to our super Garden to table teacher Mrs Crews for our session and Bob who helped with the garden and pizza cooking.

Tuesday 8 March 2016

Room 23 Google Drive Agreement

We made a rule list for Drive This image rendered as PNG in so we started by writing rules that we agreed to make. Then we had to make all the rules when we use google drive at home and at schoo.  Then we had to ALL sign the agreement.

We wrote in the comment like this:I agree-(your name) then if you did not agree you would say this. I do not (don't) agree-name so we will agree not to write or delete any work or folder!

THANKS By Alex  

Thursday 3 March 2016

On Sunday the 28th of February 2016 I went to an amazing event called TOP SCHOOLS.
It had all kinds of events like slippery slide where you have to slide down a really slippery slide. Then you stand up at the bottom and try to shoot a hoop into these wooden & plastic hoop.

ANOTHER ACTIVITY IS SPONGE FUN  where you need to get as much water in it as you can. then pass it over & under & then wring it out into a bucket  then you run to the font & do it over & over again.

a third ACTIVITY is wobbly wheels where you have to have someone in a cart wheels that go around wonky the person in the cart has to hold a ball while being pulled.

the 4th activity was called skis 4 people had to hop in a pair of skis with a bit of hose reel that was tied to the skis. You  had to go in & out thourgh buckets & drop a block in each bucket & turn around at the end on the skis.

the last activity is newspaper run where you have to hit a soccer ball around some cones run climb under a net then throw your batten in a bucket.

In Asher’s perspective he found top school an amazing experience.

& in hannah’s perspective she found top schools challenging.

that’s all from Oli P!!!!!!!!

Garden To Table Session 2

On Wednesday the 2nd of March we went  to Garden to Table. In the garden we went on a scavenger hunt, the most interesting thing that we found was bananas. We also found a apple tree. It was very hot that day we had to wear our hats meanwhile the people in the kitchen were busy making the meringue with sweetened whipped cream and a peach on top. 

We also made a corn salad with tomatoes, onion, basil and 2 pinches of salt and pepper. We also made crostini, it was toasted french stick with olive oil then a tomato and basil then the gardeners came. We packed up and then were served the food. We all liked it. Then it was pack up time. After our jobs we had to go we all had a great time!!!

by Sophia and Zoe

Wednesday 2 March 2016

Our Sea Week Stories

For writing Miss Lologa put us in to 6 groups. Our task was to create a fictional story about a sea creature and present it on Google Slides. We worked and collaborated in our groups putting our ideas together using a story board to show what will be on each slide. We had to think about a beginning, middle and end for our stories. Many of us had never used google slides so it was a really great learning experience. There were a few experts we had in the class to assist others if they needed help navigating around the program. Here is one groups finished story. We would love any feedback on our story!